Linda Lemon


Linda has served with Cru (called Agapé in France) in Lyon for the past 30 years. A native Virginian, she majored in English and minored in French at the College of William and Mary. A two-month study abroad program in France became a pivotal moment in her life: while she fell in love with the country, she was shocked that in her time there she met atheists but not one Christian. Through that experience and upon learning that evangelical Christians comprised less than 1% of the population of France, she felt the stirrings of a call to missions.

After graduating from college, Linda went to Lyon as a short-term missionary, reaching out to university students alongside a Cru team. God confirmed his call to serve there long term and Linda joined Cru as full-time staff. She continued to work with students for 15 years, after which God led her in a different direction in ministry: member care. She returned to Richmond for graduate work in counseling at VCU.

Since 2005, Linda has provided pastoral care and support for Cru’s 80+ workers throughout France. Her main ministry involves listening to and counseling staff members dealing with life challenges (burnout, bereavement, relational problems, transition) as well as being a resource person and consultant to the leadership.

Linda plays violin and enjoys sports. She’s a fan of tennis in general and of Roger Federer in particular.

Linda appreciates prayers for God’s peace, discernment, and focus in her life and ministry.