Youth Sunday 2021

For Meditation

Anyone who has ever spent time with young children have been asked a common question, “why?” It’s a popular response of kids after something has happened or an explanation’s been given. This question is not limited to being asked by children, however, as all people ask this question in many circumstances. “Why” has probably been asked even more over the past several weeks and months as we’ve endured things we never expected.

When little children ask this question often times we can give an answer that satisfies their curiosity, at least for a little while, but when we ask “why” we don’t always get a clear answer. As Christians, though, when we ask God why, we can know that he is always working for our good and his glory. We don’t see the full picture, we don’t understand everything that is involved in what’s happening in us and around us, but God does.

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work for good for those who love God, and because God is good, loving, and gracious we can trust and believe that he is working for our good, even when we don’t understand the good that God is doing. As God works for our good, he’s not just working for us, but ultimately so that he is glorified. As God’s good is worked out in our lives, he is given praise, he is made great, and he receives the glory that he rightly deserves.

We may not understand why things are happening to us, especially when they’re difficult, challenging, and a struggle for us, but because God is good, gracious, and loving we can know that he’s working for our good so that he will be glorified.

Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

This week’s Worship Guide