Psalm 120: The Leaving Song

For Meditation

Psalm 120 begins the wonderful little collection in the back of the Psalms called the Psalms of Ascent. These 15 Psalms are traditionally thought to have been used by the people of God as they made their way up to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast each year. These Psalms teach us how to be pilgrims as we make our own way upward on our journey to know God and to eventually be with him in his kingdom forever. 

The Psalms begin here in Psalm 120 on a discordant note, and as Eugene Peterson said, this demonstrates the homesickness of those who have settled among strangers and aliens. This Psalm reminds us that the reason we are pilgrims is because the world in its present state is not our home. And we must become fed up and dissatisfied with the world around us as it is if we are to be people who long for a better world that is to come. This psalm teaches us to express our frustration and anger and sadness to God and to look to him as the one who gives us hope and strength for the journey. 

In preparation for worship, spend some time slowly reading through the Psalm, meditating on it and try to put it in your own words as you pray it back to God.

Psalm 120

(The Message)

1-2 I’m in trouble. I cry to God,
desperate for an answer:
“Deliver me from the liars, God!
They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth.”

3-4 Do you know what’s next, can you see what’s coming,
all you barefaced liars?
Pointed arrows and burning coals
will be your reward.

5-7 I’m doomed to live in Meshech,
cursed with a home in Kedar,
My whole life lived camping
among quarreling neighbors.
I’m all for peace, but the minute
I tell them so, they go to war!

Play along from home

We’ve created parts for band and orchestral instruments, so you can play along to some of our worship songs. Find the parts here.

Lead your own Home Worship Service

We are currently encouraging small gatherings with Parish Groups, home groups, or several households for worship. You can watch the online worship service on Sunday morning together, or lead your own worship service using the home worship resources we provide. The home worship service guide follows the same rhythms of that week’s live service. Sing along to prerecorded music, bring a guitar, or sing unaccompanied! We will also provide resources to lead a Bible study as an alternative to watching the sermon.