Andrew & Jessie Foster

Assemblies of God World MIssions

Andrew and Jessie serve on a church-planting team whose goal is to see a thriving community of faith planted among secular Spanish people in Granada, Spain that is self-led, self-funded, and self-propagating. Their primary role on the team is to coordinate and lead ministry to university students, of whom there are 65,000 in the city. Less than 1% of these students know Jesus, a figure that is also representative of the general Spanish population.

The Fosters’ ministry could best be described as based in pre-discipleship (evangelism) and discipleship of university students, although they also help in the broader church planting strategy of their team in whatever ways are necessary. The team has founded a cultural center called Raíces that they leverage for the sake of embedding in the university community specifically and Granada more generally, and also for the sake of providing a legitimate platform for their ministry. 

This ministry is incarnational in that they prioritize proclaiming the gospel to Spanish people while also inviting them into their home and their lives. They seek to stir people out of the spiritual apathy of post-modern secularism by presenting Jesus through the testimony of their words and lives.