This past election cycle has generated anxiety, fear, and increasing polarization across our country and in our churches. We want to respond with a call to faithfulness, confidence, and love rooted in our security in Jesus’ love for us.

Below are some resources that we offer to provide guidance and hope as we seek to be faithful to God’s call to be faithful and wise citizens, giving our utmost loyalty to Christ alone. We do so in the knowledge that whatever happens in the election, we remain firm in our hope that Jesus Christ remains Lord over all.


Sermons, Articles, and Talks

Listen: Render to Caesar, Render to God. A sermon from Corey Widmer from November 13, 2016

Read: How would Jesus vote? A reflection from Corey Widmer before the 2016 election. Keep reading…

Read: How do Christians Fit into the 2 Party System? They Don’t. by Timothy J. Keller. Keep reading…

Watch: Politics Outside the Lines. A short talk by Rev. Scott Sauls. Watch the video…

Watch or read: Engaging Politics with Love and Truth. A Trinity Forum online discussion with Justin Giboney. Watch the video or read the transcript…

