2016 Mission Scholarship & Training Fund

“…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:8

Mission is one of the cornerstones of Third Church, beginning with its founding on the docks of the James River.  Today, 179 years later, mission is still a key ministry of who we are.  Therefore, we invite you to join in Third’s mission work by making a gift to the Missions Scholarship and Training Fund to help provide resources for Third to use during this year. Our goal amount for needed funds is $20,000.

Contributions given to the Fund will be used for several purposes:

  • Scholarships: to help support persons in gaining exposure and experience in Mission work settings through Short Term Mission trips
  • Projects: to purchase materials needed for ministry projects to be completed by our Short Term Mission teams (construction materials, medical supplies, VBS materials, etc.)
  • Training in Mission: for training courses and experiences that help build understanding and investment in God’s work of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and advancing His Kingdom (i.e. training programs like Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Urbana World Missions Conference, etc)

2016 Short Term Mission Trips that will be supported by this effort:

High School Mexico Trip – July 3-9
Building a home for a family connected to a local congregation
Team Leader: Rick Hutton 

Port Au Prince Haiti – July 16-23
Home construction, medical assistance and a vacation bible school
Team Leaders: Billy and Jen Martin

Bismarck, North Dakota – August 6-13
Assisting in a one week Young Life style summer camp for middle and high school Native Americans at Standing Rock Reservation.  
Team Leader:  Fred Whitten 

To make a donation online here, under the Mission Scholarship and Training Fund line item. Or, you can contact Sue Hendrickson in the Finance office.


Becca Payne