June 25: Next Steps for July


Hello, church family!

Please check out the video above for my communication about our worship plans for July. In light of Virginia moving into Phase 3 of reopening, I’m sure some of you are wondering what impact that has on the worship of our church. Unfortunately, the same strict mandates are in place for churches in Phase 3 as in Phase 2, so not much changes for what is possible in our building. Our plan for most of July will be to continue encouraging you to meet in small and midsize gatherings with friends and neighbors in your homes and Parishes, worshipping via the 10:00 a.m. live streamed service or using the at-home worship materials that we are now providing. We are excited that so many of you are gathering in this way! See more specifics in our June update.

Additionally, Session met on Tuesday night and made the decision to allow for restricted in-person worship in our church building starting July 26. Very limited seating will be available through pre-registration, and strict social distancing protocols will be in place once you arrive. This will by no means be a return to normal, but it will provide a secondary option for in-person worship for those who desire it.

In late July, our approach to worship will be two-pronged. Our first and main approach will be in small to midsize gatherings in our homes and parishes, using the online service and home worship materials provided. Beginning July 26, there will also be a second option for in-person worship in our church building.

Many more details will be coming in the next few weeks about how to register and what to expect.

Grace and peace+

Chris Porter