The Prayers of the People

What do the people of God do in times of racial division, injustice and strife? We are called to do a lot of things: to listen and to learn, to mourn and to grieve, to partner and to advocate for justice. In this video, Corey shares a pastoral message about repentance as a unique resource we have as followers of Jesus to respond to racial injustice. Repentance involves becoming aware of sin in our lives and the society we live in, confessing our own involvement in it, and turning to follow a new path. That is a long journey that we must enter into as a community. The best way to begin this journey of repentance is through learning and listening. Below are some guiding prayers that we used on Sunday, June 7.

  • O Lord, hear our cry! How long must our black and brown brothers and sisters be killed unjustly? How long must fathers and mothers weep over their dead children? How long will racial violence persist in our nation? How long will the lingering effects of injustice, animosity and pride mark your people? How long will we fail to understand the pain of those whose experience is different than ours? How long will we wrestle with distrust and division? Holy God, be our help! 

  • O Lord, hear our cry! Forgive the sins of our nation and have mercy on our land. Forgive the sins of our fathers as well as our own. Forgive our own passivity, complicity and silence. Destroy and banish the evil that still holds us in its grasp. Redeem and release us from our wounds and fears. Come quickly, we pray, to revive us and make us new. Heavenly Father, be our help!

  • O Lord, hear our cry! You came for us, you lived for us, you died for us, you rose for us. You put to death all human hostility through your death on the cross. You have risen to life for our forgiveness, renewal and hope. Release your resurrection power among us to heal our land, heal our city, and heal our hearts. Lord Jesus, be our help!

  • O Lord, hear our cry! Grant us the heart to weep with those who weep. Give us empathy and understanding. Create trust where there is pain. Give us courage to stand with those who suffer and to seek justice for the oppressed. Give us grace to persevere, to repent, to forgive, and to love. Make your church the repentant, reconciled, and united people you call us to be. Holy Spirit, be our help!

Here are some excellent resources for those looking to learn more about racial injustice:

  • Last November, we welcomed the Rev. Ben Campbell to Third for our Local Missions Conference to teach us about “Richmond’s Unhealed History.” It was an eye-opening talk and Q+A time. You can view the lecture or purchase the book here.

  • Arrabon is one of our local ministry partners, led by David Bailey, that exists to equip God’s people for reconciliation. David and Arrabon have excellent resources available to guide us. Read our friend Nicole Unice’s recent conversation with David at Relevant Magazine.

  • A number of Third folks have worked through the “Be the Bridge” book and guide created by Latasha Morrison. See an excellent talk that she gives here, and you can find her book here.

Pray with us live at 12:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Looking for ways to connect with your church family this month? Check out our next steps for June.