Each Sunday we offer childcare during the services for infants through kindergarten; older kids worship with their parents! Then, at 10:00 a.m., we have a dedicated Sunday school hour where our kids meet in age-specific classrooms to learn, sing, and read the Bible together. Our Sunday School program is a treasured pillar of our discipleship work at Third and we hope every child can be engaged and nurtured in this space.

We take the responsibility of caring for your children while they are here seriously and strive to create a nurturing environment of safety and security. Our volunteers and paid childcare workers are background checked and our facilities are cleaned weekly. If you have any questions or any allergies we should know about, please get in touch with Blair Bigelow.

Join Our Team of Volunteers

We rely on the support of volunteers like you to make childcare possible every week. Email Blair or Susan to find out more about current needs and how you can be a part of this important ministry.

Childcare: 8:45 & 11:00 a.m.

During our worship services, childcare is available for children kindergarten and younger. Please check them in and drop them off before the service!

  • Infants through 2-year-olds will be in their dedicated spaces (see map)

  • 3-year-olds through Kindergarten will be in the Little Lions room (see map)

Following the 8:45 Service: If you are planning to attend Sunday School after the service, your child will be escorted to their assigned classroom. Please notify your teacher on the sign-in sheet that your child will be attending Sunday School!

If you are not attending Sunday School, please pick up your children from the nursery or Little Lions room immediately after the service ends.

Wiggle Room

There are lots of wiggle spaces around our Regency space. At the back of the sanctuary on either side, we have comfortable spaces to hang with an infant or if you need to step out for any other reason. You'll still be able to hear worship, but may be just out of eyesight. If you need more privacy, we have a dedicated family room on the first floor in the dedicated children's area. This is a good option for nursing mothers.

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School runs from August through May for all kids 2-years-old and up! Join us beginning on Sunday, August 27 at 10:00 a.m. at the designated rooms below (see maps below).

The age range of each room:

  • Infants: newborn through walking steadily

  • Toddlers: walkers through 2-year-olds

  • Little Lambs: 2-year-olds by Sept. 30

  • Little Lions: 3-year-olds by Sept. 30 (and potty trained!)

  • Little Eagles: 4 and 5 year olds, and Pre-K

  • Kindergarten - 4th Grade: dedicated grade-level rooms


What about my older kids during the services? We invite you to bring your kids who are first grade and older and keep them in the service with you. We have some coloring pages, small instruments, and crayons available to help keep them engaged. We know this can be hard, but we really believe in intergenerational worship and that includes having kids in the service!

Are all of your nursery attendants and childcare volunteers background checked? YES! Everyone who serves in one of our children’s rooms has been background checked.

If you have other questions, or want to make a personal connection before coming to Third, we’d love to connect with you! Email Blair Bigelow, our Director of Children’s Ministry.