How People Change: Resources for Next Steps


This has been a great month exploring how people change. Yet we’ve only scratched the surface. If this series has left you with a desire to keep learning about personal change and or pursuing change personally, below are a few resources you might consider using.


You Can Change: God’s Transforming Power for our Sinful Behavior and Negative EmotionsBy Tim Chester.
This is an excellent, practical book that includes concrete exercises at the end of each chapter to employ in partnering with God in a “personal change project.” 

How People Change, by Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp.
A more in-depth book that explores biblical patterns of personal change and makes use of biblical counseling and psychology methodologies. There is also an accompanying study guide.

Switch on Your Brain, by Dr Caroline Leaf.  
This book is a basic introduction to neuroplasticity and how changing neural brain patterns can help produce behavioral and life change. Written by a Christian communication pathologist and audiologist.

The Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson 
Integrating new findings in neuroscience and attachment with Christian spirituality, Dr. Thompson reveals how it is possible to rewire your mind, altering your brain patterns and literally making you more like the person God intended you to be.

The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner 
"Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee." ―Augustine Much is said in Christian circles about knowing God. But Christians throughout the ages have agreed that there cannot be deep knowledge of God without deep knowledge of the self. 

Union with Christ by Rankin Wilborne 
To experience why the gospel is good news and answer life’s most foundational questions about identity, destiny, and purpose, we must understand what it means to be united to Christ.

Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren.
A wonderful book about how to integrate spiritual practices into ordinary everyday life.

Gospel Centered Life
A discipleship book that makes clear and objective change in people’s lives. The understanding of what the Gospel is and how it changes in integrated ways (theology, doxology and ethics)   — and how it is done in community.

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun. 
Every major spiritual discipline Christians have engaged in over time, easily understood, and guidance to start practicing now.


Center for Christian Counseling.  A Christian counseling center directed by Margie Satterfield, one of our covenant partners.

 Barnabas Center. A counseling, training and teaching center that offers Christian counseling and training.

 Compass Center.  A new Center for Spiritual formation directed by Brad and Marmi Houff, two of our covenant partners.

 Sunodia Prayer Counseling Center. An innovative approach to Christian counseling that is based in prayer and conversation.


This month, we featured four stories of transformation from within our congregation. Catch up on the four audio stories in either of these two places: