Set Free

Set Free offers hope, healing and training to those seeking help in the areas of abuse, addiction, and sexual and relational brokenness. They desire to apply the truth of the gospel to the abused and those seeking hope and freedom from life-dominating struggles rooted in the issue of broken identity, which reveals itself as unwanted same sex attraction/gender confusion, pornography, sexual addiction, drug and alcohol addiction or other related issues. We offer hope to churches, men, women, families, and adolescents affected by the devastation of sexual, relational, and substance abuse brokenness. We use the word of God as our main counseling foundation to focus on the heart of a loving Father and one’s identity as a son or daughter of the Most High God, in light of their individual struggle. Set Free is a part of the body of Christ and seeks to train and assist the church in its ministry to those seeking freedom from these areas.