Juan & Silvia Ledon


Oasis Community of Faith

Juan, originally from Cuba, met Silvia in college.  They have been married for 32 years and have four children, who all live in Richmond: Lizette, Gabriel, Daniel and Elise.

The Ledons came to Richmond in 2012 to pursue a business position. They felt God leading them to stay when the business opportunity did not work out. They are now bi-vocational church planters amongst the city’s Hispanic immigrant population.

Juan believes that Richmond is a unique mission field, with newly forming Latino and immigrant communities that are barely on the radar. An immigrant himself, Juan respects the challenges they have to overcome. He desires to be part of an outreach effort to them in a non-traditional way by sharing the gospel where they live, rather than the traditional church approach. He seeks to engage immigrants through the gospel, bringing them together in an effort to make them feel at home in a strange land.