We believe that gathering in Christian community is vital. We want to continue to meet and worship, and do so safely and with the highest level of care for our physical health and mental and emotional wellbeing. To that end, we want to mention a few ways we can continue to maintain wise and healthy practices to love and protect our most vulnerable friends and neighbors.


  • Masking is now optional for all people.

  • If you are looking to worship in a fully masked environment, we encourage you to worship from the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m. and the Student Ministry Area during the 11:00 a.m. service. Masks are required, and seating is distanced.

  • Online streaming of the worship services will still be offered for those who need to remain at home.

Because conditions are changing so quickly, we’ll be reviewing this policy on a weekly basis to consider what may need to be updated.

See the list of values that guide our Covid policy decisions.


Vaccination and masking continue to be highly effective ways to reduce transmission. We affirm those who choose to continue to remain masked. We are committed to honor our brothers and sisters who handle this ongoing pandemic in different ways.

Anyone who is experiencing any Covid-like symptoms (e.g., a new or worsening cough, cold symptoms, or fever) should not come to worship or other church activities until tested.

Covid Taskforce
Valerie Holland, Finance and Administration
Stephanie Holt, Facilities
Becca Payne, Communications
Ed Satterfield, Administration
Brooke Wright, Worship
Elizabeth Massie, Trustees
Corey Widmer, Lead Pastor

Dr. Dan Foster, Primary Care Physician, Commonwealth Primary Care
Dr. Danny Avula, Director,  Richmond City and Henrico County Health Departments
Dr. Romesh Wijesooriya, Assistant Professor of General Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Richmond, Division Chair of General Pediatrics, VCU



  • We believe that God is in control of all things, even this pandemic, and that we are safe and secure in his hands. We need not fear, the Lord is with us. We recognize that while we can take actions to minimize risks from Covid-19, we cannot eliminate all risks, as they are inherent to living in this world.

  • We believe that God has gifted the scientific and medical communities with gifts of knowledge and wisdom in handling this global pandemic. We thank God for their understanding of the virus, for the manufacturing of the vaccines, and for their wisdom in suggesting best practices for mitigation. In general, we trust the judgment of the CDC, the VDH and our local health departments and will typically follow the guidance that they suggest. 

  • Neither Recklessly nor Overly-cautiously: This trust in God supremely and his servants secondarily leads us to a posture that is neither reckless on the one hand, nor overly cautious on the other. We will take care not to go over and above what is suggested for precautions to be “extra safe,” nor will we reject precautions and just “trust God.” 

  • We thank God for the gifts of technology, but we believe that meeting in-person both in and out of the church property remains a vital part of the Christian life and also contributes to our social and emotional well-being. We will not create undue burdens on our members and families that inhibit them from choosing to physically gather, and we will prioritize ways (such as meeting outside) to continue gathering in-person as safely as possible for worship and fellowship. At the same time, we will do all we can to provide safeguards and alternatives for those with health concerns. 

  • God is clear in his Word that we as his people are to take special concern for serving and caring for the vulnerable among us. As is possible to do so, we will choose protocols that protect the vulnerable, even if it means asking our people to make small sacrifices of personal freedoms or act in ways they would otherwise not choose (e.g. vaccinated adults masking around unvaccinated children).