May 12: Family Check-in


Hello Third Family!

As you know, it’s now been more than two months since we have been able to gather in person together. In the last nine weeks, the pandemic has affected our entire world, and we know it has created many challenges for each of you on a personal level.

Virginia is moving toward a phased re-opening of public life. Every business and organization is going to have to carefully plan how and when to reopen, and what modifications will need to be made.

Decisions about how and when to reopen Third for public gatherings and ministry are complicated. We are going to make those decisions for our particular congregation carefully, without undue haste or undue delay. In addition to seeking wisdom through prayer and from outside sources (local experts, CDC, governmental / legal / medical / denominational guidance, etc.), we would like to get a better sense of how our congregation is processing these issues.

Family Check-in

As our local government begins to loosen the restrictions on public gatherings, what are your current feelings about resuming in-person church activities? How is your general emotional, spiritual, and relational health? We value your feedback.

Please respond by Monday, May 18.

We will keep you informed of any changes as things roll out in the weeks and months ahead.

Grace + peace,

Chris Porter