March 17: Important Letter from Corey Widmer

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Dearest Third Family,

This week we begin a new reality together. Many of us are hunkered down, working remotely, with our children home from school. We’re all wondering how long we’ll be living in this new situation and what impact it will have on our lives, our society, our world. Yet as we remembered Sunday, even as we look ahead wondering what unknowns may be coming up over the mountains (Psalm 121), our help is in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Our reality may be dramatically different, but our Helper, our Savior, our Trust and our Confidence remain the same. As Corrie Ten Boom often said, “There is no panic in heaven.” 

The Simple Way of Jesus

As we start the new week, I wanted to reach out and share a bit about how we can continue to follow Jesus together in this unprecedented time. As I shared in the sermon, I believe this is a remarkable moment for the church to re-discover the simple way of Jesus, as we reject a spirit of fear and anxiety and commit freshly to love one another and our neighbors. As a community, we often talk about how we are committed to the way of Jesus, as he continually nurtured his life with God (UP), was deeply committed to his community (IN), and sought to care for people in need around him (OUT). This simple pattern of discipleship is one that we can readily practice in the coming days.

UP: Connecting with God

We’ll continue to worship together remotely on upcoming Sundays until it’s clear that it is safe to return to our normal gatherings. Our worship team is assessing options for the upcoming Sundays, and we’ll send out our normal Prepare for Worship email on Thursday with communication about our plan. 

We also encourage you in this season of “forced Sabbath” to slow down and commit to spiritual habits that can provide routine in your own life with God. These simple practices not only provide routine and ease anxiety, but also can enable you to be more present to God and the people around you.

  • Our Covenant Partner Justin Earley is adapting his common rule set of habits for this time of quarantine, check for updates here

  • Revisit our page on how to practice Lectio Divina, an ancient practice of prayerful Scripture meditation. 

  • With your family our household, you might commit to morning, midday and evening prayer or Scripture reading as a way to structure and bookend your day together. You can use sites like this one for help. 

  • There are a number of great apps and websites like Pray As You Go that provide daily readings, prayer and music. 

IN: Connecting with Each Other

The toughest part of this season will likely be going so long without gathering together and seeing one another. While we cannot meet in large groups at the moment, it remains essential that we find ways to continue to connect with one another during this time. Our faith is a communal faith, and our souls need community as much as our bodies need food, water, and toilet paper! 

For a variety of important reasons, some of us will choose to remain completely separated from all in-person social interactions right now. If that is the case for you, we encourage you to remain connected with others through phone calls, texting, email, and digital platforms like Face Time, Google hangouts, Skype, or Zoom. Many of our Parish Group leaders will provide ways for people to link into group gatherings virtually. Be aware of those in your Parishes or relationship networks that may be isolated right now, and be sure to reach out with a call, text, or note.

Others of us may feel comfortable meeting in small household groups, which we support as long as we dramatically change the way we interact with one another . We have put together a set of guidelines for in-home meetings here. We want to take great precautions to abide by all requirements and recommendations from applicable authorities as they are continually updated, in order to protect those among us who are most vulnerable to illness. 

OUT: Connecting with Neighbors and Those in Need

There are many people whose lives are in great upheaval because of the restrictions we are now living under. For example, many children in our poorest schools rely on the food they get at school for breakfast and lunch for their daily nutrition, and many working moms and dads don’t have the ability to work from home and are stuck scrambling for childcare. Since many of us are in the position where we don’t have to worry about such things, God calls us to care for the most impacted people around us. We’ll keep you updated with opportunities we know of, but here are a few acute needs:

  • Third Church is partnering with two Richmond Public Schools to coordinate the distribution of food (packages of multiple breakfasts and lunches which are normally served at school each day) for at least the next two weeks. Would you please consider volunteering at either Reid Elementary or Francis Elementary schools? Volunteers will be assisting RPS staff to package and hand out food for families to pick up Monday - Friday. There are two 3 hour volunteer slots each weekday, 7:30am-10:30am and 10am-1pm. Check the sign-up pages for volunteer requirements.

  • Henrico County Schools do not need volunteers at this time but they do need supplies. If volunteer needs arise, we'll be sure to share them with you. They are in need of breakfast items (juice boxes, cereal, instant oatmeal, cereal bars), lunch items (fruit cups, applesauce cups, canned goods, individual snack bags, soup, canned meat), and general items (large zip lock bags, grocery bags, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, hand soap, toilet paper). Drop off donations Tuesday-Thursday between 10am and 2pm at New Bridge Learning Center (5915 Nine Mile Road, Exit Door #7).

  • WRIC has a thorough list of the needs in various local school districts. Check for any needs in your local area.

Additionally, pay attention to those around you and among us who may need extra support, especially seniors or people who cannot work because of lack of childcare. 1) Who are the people on your block, 2) the people in your Parish or Parish Group, and 3) the people you’re relationally connected to who might be vulnerable physically or financially right now? If you know of particular physical or financial needs that you think the church could help out with from our emergency funds, please email Ed Satterfield at

Stay Updated!

Thanks for reading this far! As you have noticed, the situation changes by the day (or hour) at this point, so will communicate changes and updates as we adapt to new information. Please stay tuned to our email newsletter (Third Online) for updates later this week about our plan for worship!

So much has changed, but so much is still the same. Jesus is still Lord, the Father still loves us, the Spirit is still with us. We are still the church, and our calling to love God, love one another, and love our neighbors is the same. Let’s press on together in faith. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:2

Grace and peace of our Savior+


Becca Payne