2020 Holy Week at Third Church

Join us for Holy Week we remember Christ’s crucifixion and look toward the hope and resurrection of Easter Sunday.

Please note: our Holy Week offerings are changing. Please check back regularly for the latest.

Holy Week Devotional

Knowing that our circumstances have changed these past few weeks and we aren’t able to gather for our Holy Week events like normal, we’ll be providing our church family with a digitally-based Holy Week devotional guide.

Sign up to receive this daily devotional for the week.

Good Friday 

A brief special worship service in the Sanctuary to reflect on the death of Christ, the moment that he secured our salvation.

When: Recorded live, made available for viewing at 12:00 p.m. on Good Friday

Watch the Good Friday Service

Easter Sunday

We are excited to join across the city and world as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, where our humble King conquered sin and death. Join us, and don’t forget to ring your own bells as we say and sing Alleluia.

This year, we will be partnering with our friends East End Fellowship and the Christian Arabic Church in leading this service together.

We will be recording our live service, and will make it available to our community by 10:00 a.m. on Easter morning. Since it will be a recording, you will be able view it then, or at any point later in the day.

When: Sunday, April 12, 10:00 a.m.

Watch the Easter Service

Becca Payne