Baptisms at Third

Baptisms are a sacred and special sacrament for the families of Third. For any Covenant Partners (members) interested in baptizing their children, please contact Blair Bigelow to sign up for one of our quarterly baptism classes. She will follow up with you shortly after!  

Weddings at Third

At Third, we believe that marriage is a covenant relationship, created by God as part of his design. If you are a covenant member of Third (or family member of covenant members) and would like to be married at Third, use Third's facilities, or have one of Third's pastors perform your marriage ceremony, we ask that you fill out this Wedding Request Form to make your request known to us. Third Church will be under renovation though August, 2024 and will be unable to host wedding ceremonies at its Forest Avenue location during this time. If you wish to have your ceremony at our temporary location at Regency Mall, please contact Bryce Lyle.